Mansoura University Achieves a Progress in “SCImago Institutions Ranking” 2022
Mansoura University achieved a new achievement internationally in Scimago Institutions Ranking” 2022. Mansoura University was ranked 42 levels up internationally to be in 606 place, and to be compared with the last year 2021, it was ranked 648. It is noteworthy that SCImago classification employs three factors which are: the scientific research, Citations and scientific cooperation, and the website of the institution. Further, each of these three factors has indicators and percentages out of the total evaluation. Besides, SCImago classification includes secondary measures which are related to the followings: the number of researches on Scopus, the number of the institution’s outcome in cooperation with foreign institutions, citation’s rate, the number of published researches internationally in comparison with the number of researchers, and patents.